So, you’re about to throw the graduation cap in the air. You’re finishing up your very last finals and your parents are preparing the house for a huge graduation party. Even though you’re excited about what’s to come, you might feel nervous, anxious, scared, or even concerned about what is to come in the next few months. Here are five ways to deal with the stress you might feel when graduating college.
#1 Celebrate!
After four years of presentations, midterms, finals, and group projects, you’ve finally made it! It’s time to celebrate! This is one of the greatest accomplishments, and it’s important to acknowledge the hard work you’ve done. This is a great opportunity to spend time with friends and family and connect with those whom you may not see for a while after school. Allow yourself to reflect on your accomplishments and the time you’ve put in to achieve your degree.
#2 Cross something off the childhood bucket list.
Ever wanted to go skydiving? Train and run a marathon? Travel internationally? This is an ideal time in your life to do something you have been wanting to do for years. Feeling the stress of jumping into the workforce can be extremely weighing, and doing something enjoyable can help relieve stress. Not only is this a great opportunity, it will give you stories to tell in interviews, and a new perspective going into your career.

#3 Don’t compare yourself to others.
Although it can be difficult to compare yourself to your previous peers, friends, and colleagues post-graduation, it is important to remember that everyone is on their own path and on their own journey. Some have had family jobs lined up since sophomore year, others graduated with prestigious honors, and a few have no idea where they are going. Wherever you are on the scale, it’s good, and important to remember that you have value and that it will come to use. Before we continue, it is important to address that although it is a time to celebrate, reflect, and appreciate your accomplishment, it cannot be taken too far. Industry officials say that it is critical to keep up with the happenings of the industry that you are looking for a career. You don’t want to lose everything you have learned in school, especially the motivation for finding a job. Sometimes graduates take the celebration too far, and it is crucial that this doesn’t happen.
#4 Look into a wide range of options.
As you are looking into career options, it can be beneficial to look at many different routes. Not every job has to be a cubicle, corporate “9-5” that is seen in the movies. Looking into different ways to use your school experience like non-profits, volunteer groups, or starting your own business can also relieve stress when trying to find a career that best suits your interests, skills, and experience.
#5 When looking into a career, recruiting, and staffing agencies can help.
Although it can be intimidating to fully invest in a recruiting agency, they can be helpful in other ways. There is a new “baseline” for what young adults have to bring to the table when interviewing for jobs. Prosperity for America says that the 2020 census showed that there were 2,038,431 graduates with bachelor’s degrees. Nowadays there is a higher expectation to set yourself further apart from other candidates when interviewing. Sending in resumes, preparing for interviews, and answering questions about your Linkedin or social media presence are all ways that recruiting firms are more than willing to help. The team at Modern Holding Group is committed to helping you throughout the entire process. Please feel free to reach out with any questions.
In conclusion, graduating college is a major milestone in a young adult’s life, and it is equally as important to celebrate your accomplishment as it is to start looking into putting your education to good use. Although it is a time of joy and celebration, this can also bring the feelings of stress and anxiety that come with living on your own, starting to find a job, and living in the world as a young adult. Using the time after graduation to spend time with loved ones and relish in your achievement is essential, but when it comes time to start your career, Modern Holding Group wants to be there every step of the way.
77 Epic Graduation Party Ideas for 2023, . Accessed 27 Mar. 2023.
It’s Okay To Take A Different Path Than Others, 28 Feb. 2017, Accessed 27 Mar. 2023.
Parker, Alvin. “95+ College Graduate Statistics for 2023 (Data & Facts).” Prosperity For All, 3 Mar. 2023,,a%20doctorate%20or%20professional%20degree.